If you’re suffering from the blues, a video of a toddler and a dog that went viral today
The two adorable cubs give a friendly wave to the camera: ‘As a photographer, it was such
Picasso and Newt were adopted by Liesl Wilhardt, the founder and director of Luvable Dog Rescue
While other people went about their business, disregarding a wounded dog on the road, this small kid
A wild 500-pound black bear broke into a home in South Lake Tahoe and this isn’t the first time, police said.
When Jennifer and Steve Hetterscheidt adopted a 14-year-old Golden Retriever, they wanted to provide
Violet the dog was discovered in December 2016 on a seemingly abandoned farm. A woman driving
Despite the controversies surrounding service animals, many still like seeing a Labrador Retriever
Unfortunately, while trying to save her two cubs, the 11-year-old girl died in a home fire.
We have a particular bond with our four-legged friends. Our pets are more than simply creatures to us.