Woman saw disabled dog on the street who could hardly walk

Animals that are homeless already have enough to deal with. It’s difficult enough to find appropriate shelter, food, and clean water. It is risky for healthy stray dogs to do so, but imagine what it would be like for a paralyzed dog! It would be absurd. Despite his disability, a dog named Kuya Bon tried to stay alive. After being hit by a car, his owner found him useless and left him alone.



Kuya Bon’s cruel owner was indifferent about a dog who required so much attention. He kicked him from their  home, without thinking about his health
He kicked him from their  home, without thinking about his health He had been on the streets for a long time when he was found by a nice stranger. During the monsoon season, he had to deal with a lot of wet days. It’s a miracle he’s still alive.



From afar, a compassionate woman noticed the dog and went to get a bowl of food for Kuya Bon. She approached him and placed the dish on the table. She was curious about state of his legs. Despite his struggles, Kuya Bon slithered to the food dish and gladly ate. He required immediate veterinarian attention, and the woman knew it. She was ready to spend her own money to help him.



Then woman phoned a local rescuer while waiting for Kuya Bon’s x-rays. She begged for his assistance, knowing that she couldn’t keep Kuya Bon and that he
She begged for his assistance, knowing that she couldn’t keep Kuya Bon. The rescuer agreed. Kuya Bon is recovering at the vet clinic right now. It’s unclear where he’ll eventually end up, but one thing is certain: he’ll never be on the streets again!



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Woman saw disabled dog on the street who could hardly walk
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