The grandmother’s reaction to meeting her new four-legged friend is heartwarming, and it was all caught on tape! Alexandra Del Cima of California saw that her grandparents were looking for a new puppy to join them and fall in love with, so she went immediately to find a lovely dog and surprised them in the most charming way.
“My grandparents’ last dog passed away pretty unexpectedly and suddenly last year,” the lady said on Twitter. “They’ve been asking for a dog for months.”
She was looking for a puppy to foster when she learned that one of her friends’ dog was having a baby.
When the Shih Tzu and Maltese mix puppy was around 9 weeks old, Alexandra and her mother packed him in a box and delivered him to her grandma.
She called the parcel ‘knitting and stuff,’ so her grandmother wouldn’t realize what was inside.