A lost dog identifies her owners on television and rescues herself

After recognizing her parents on TV, she used a lost puppy to assist her find her way home. What caused that to happen? Tabitha, a Bichon Poodle, went missing while out on a walk with her father, Alfred Schaefer.

Alfred has Alzheimer’s disease and has walked away from home. When his wife, Kelly, went searching for them, all she found was Alfred. I had to choose between getting my spouse and getting my puppy. “I couldn’t get both,” Kelly said. She walked out again, but she couldn’t locate Tabitha.

They put up flyers all over the area and went on Fox 4 News to ask for help finding their lost pet puppy.

Tabitha was watching TV with her rescuers when the news item aired, and they phoned the news station within 10 minutes to inform them that they had located Tabitha!

The small puppy perked up and her tail wagged like crazy when Kelly and Alfred emerged on TV, according to the family who discovered her. Even before they saw her portrait, they knew she identified them.

What a fantastic tale with a beautiful happy ending!

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A lost dog identifies her owners on television and rescues herself
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