People merely went by and snapped images of the husky laying at the bus stop for weeks

Several individuals contacted me about this puppy. Each of those who wrote appealed for assistance, requesting that he be taken to a doctor and removed from the streets. They were all concerned about the dog, but no one wanted to adopt him.

The dog was a long way away. It took almost two hours in the vehicle to get to him, and he had to go immediately away. As experience has shown, it is very hard to locate a dog in the exact location where it was last seen.

In spring, dogs often develop various diseases. They begin to be overrun by ticks. An animal was seen near the road, which also increased the risks. None of the people who wrote did not go over to check if the dog was sleeping on the side of the road or if it was just no longer able to get up. Everyone just took a picture and drove on.

I went in search of the dog. It took us two days to catch it.

Later, we found out that the dog had been walking on its own for a long time. Several times it was returned to its owners. But they never took any measures to keep it at home. Therefore, the animal was returned to the street again. No one cared that the dog might have been run over by a car or trapped. That said, the dog is young, about a year old, and very handsome.

So far, we have sent the dog for inspection, and once the results of the tests are in, we will cure him for fleas.

We called the cops to report that we had located the dog. The dog is not marked or chipped. That indicates the owners will have to establish that he is their dog if they want him back.

We’ve had the dog for a few days now. We gave him a new moniker around that time: Day. Nobody ever inquired about him. Most probably, the owners do not need him and will decline to claim him.

The canine will go to the veterinarian one more time before being placed in a holding facility. We haven’t decided what to do with him yet. We’re still waiting for the owners to arrive. If they do not come forward, we will hunt for a new home for the youngster. Day is quick-witted and gets along well with other animals, but we don’t know much more about him. We want to think that things will improve in his life today.

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People merely went by and snapped images of the husky laying at the bus stop for weeks
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