The sad puppy was dumped in a park by her owner, who most likely did not want her to suffer and die. Esme had been pleading with the park walkers for aid for weeks, but no one had replied. When a local rescuer heard about Esme, he rushed to the park to save her.
The lady in this video reaches out to Esme and offers her some food. The dog is first terrified, then eventually succumbs to hunger and joyfully consumes the food. When Esme is quiet, the rescuer notices that she is breastfeeding and knows she has just given birth. The unhappy mom dog had been longing for her babies all along!
Because none of the parkgoers had seen any pups in the area, the lady took Esme for a walk about the region in the hopes that she would indicate the location of her babies. But after 2 hours, there was still no trace of the pups.
Soon, the mother came to the sad realization that Esme’s pups had either been stolen or eaten by other animals.
It was also possible that her owner had abused her for pups and abandoned her after they were born. There is no way of knowing what happened to these small lives.
Esme was eventually put into the hands of “Art N’ Paws” rescue, where she quickly found a loving permanent home. Esme’s tale really shattered our hearts. It makes no sense to abandon pets when there are so many rescue groups working diligently for animal welfare. No pet deserves to suffer the agony of abandonment.
Watch this touching video by clicking the video below!