Owner Shares Heartfelt Goodbye To His Beloved Chihuahua who Passed away

Ashley Banjo, a judge on Dancing on Ice, has always shown his passion for his pets. His small Chihuahua, KP, was especially connected to him, making her death a complete sorrow for their family.

Sweet KP died in her family’s arms when she was 11 years old. According to Ashley’s article, KP became ill and died all in the same day, making his death a shocking and heartbreaking event.

“This one hurts a lot…I can never replace you sweetie and it breaks my heart to lose you so suddenly. The same day she fell ill is the same day we lost her. Go and tell the close ones you love them while you still can. Life is too short and you never know where it takes you. R.I.P sweetheart ” – Ashley Banjo.

Ashley and Francesca Banjo have their first child together, KP. The two showed images of themselves together, reflecting on the experiences they’d made over the years, demonstrating how important KP was to their family.

KP was always genuinely loved at every moment, even after adding two lovely children into their home. Ashley and Francesca Banjo both express how much her death would affect their life, since each member of their family had a special bond with the small dog.

KP cuddled up with her family, sat at the kitchen table, basked in the warm sun, and gave plenty of wet kisses to her favorite people, according to the couple. KP was clearly a one-of-a-kind dog with an endearing personality!

Not only is this a painful loss, but the Banjo family has also experienced the loss of another beloved pet. Oscar, their Great Dane, passed away in 2019, leaving a gap in the family’s hearts that can never be replaced.

During their time together at the Banjo family home, KP and Oscar developed a particular friendship. Francesca has shared images of the two doing everything from roughhousing to hugging, demonstrating their eternal love. While nothing can repair their shattered hearts at this moment, the family finds it soothing to envision the couple reunited.

We know how difficult this is for the family since our dogs take a piece of our hearts with them when they depart this world. During this sad moment, we express our deepest sympathies.

Image Source: Instagram

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Owner Shares Heartfelt Goodbye To His Beloved Chihuahua who Passed away
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