Dog Walks Into Police Station and Has a Great Time with The Officers

Dogs can do anything, and the situation may get rather amusing at times. For example, this specific dog’s experience has taken the internet by storm. When a dog entered the Odessa Police Department in Texas at front doors, it turned an ordinary day into an amazing one.

The officers were stunned. It was a very early morning. Even one of the officers was approached by the dog in the most calm manner. Sergeant Rusty Martin, the officer in charge, greeted the dog politely. The officers played with the unexpected guest since he was not at all distressed.

Sergeant Martin expressed his delight at having him in the building. They had a tennis ball, so they threw it about in the lobby for a while. He was adored by everybody. The officers were trying to figure out who the puppy was. They assumed the canine would have an easy mission because it was wearing a collar, but the ID tag was gone.

They then made their way to the shelter to get his microchips checked. However, the German Shepherd decided to leave the police station after having a nice time there, and he rushed out as quickly as he had entered. Sergeant Rusty Martin later reported that the puppy was fit and healthy, and that he had been spotted with his human father.

Chico was the dog’s name, and the officer mentioned that the dog was welcome to return at any time. The owner answered the next day, saying it was his dog and that he had returned home, according to the sergeant. The station is a mile distant from the dog’s home. At the police station, the dog received a lot of love and care. Chico makes us fall in love.

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Dog Walks Into Police Station and Has a Great Time with The Officers
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