Stray Dog Saw a Man on the Ground and Approached to Help! Everyone Was Shocked

An unexpected visitor suddenly stopped a theatrical play.

The person ,recently called in theater actor Numan Erturul Uzunsoy’s character to be harmed during a street performance in Turkey. He was obviously not harmed or in any form of discomfort since it was all a fake.

While the crowd was engaged in the performance, an unexpected observer appeared out of nowhere and stole the show.

It was a stray dog, and she went to his assistance when she noticed the actor in danger (he was only acting).
As the actor himself explains:

“The character I played was injured and in great pain,” Uzunsoy told The Dodo. “He’d fallen off a horse, and was breathing hard.”

The furry face abruptly put an end to Uzunsoy’s all-pretended misery and suffering as he was helped to the ground by his co-actors.

The stray dog marched towards Uzunsoy with his tail wagging.
While the dog licked his face, the narrator continued to narrate the act’s sequence.

Uzunsoy was taken aback and had no idea what was happening.
Uzunsoy said, “I felt warmth on my face. First, I thought my costar was approaching me.”

He couldn’t help but break character to look up at his rescuer—and he was completely astonished, unable to continue his act.

“I was very happy when I felt the dog’s kisses. I was very touched. He was like an angel who wanted to help me. It was a very emotional moment for me. I was not expecting it,” Uzunsoy added.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the sweet reaction of the naive dog, rather than losing interest in the deed itself. Whether or not it was part of the act, it captured them.

Uzunsoy continued, “My castmates loved the dog, and the audience was very happy. Everyone cheered.”

Sadly, the dog had to say goodbye.

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