Corgi Sees Upset Man In Airport And Goes To Comfort Him

Cora has a sixth feel for people who are in need of support. As a result, when she noticed a sorrowful man sitting alone at the airport, she felt he needed to be comforted.

Cora the corgi has had a difficult life. The dog had spent her entire lifetime being used for breeding, and she’d produced innumerable litters. She has a variety of different health problems, but she was never taken to the veterinarian.
Cora was ultimately rescued from her uncaring family just before her seventh birthday.

Cora was sent to an Idaho animal sanctuary, where she met Madison Palm. Cora was supposed to be a foster dog for the 23-year-old dog lover, but she fell in love with her. Just in time for Cora’s seventh birthday, Palm legally adopted her.

That year, the puppy who had never known much love had her first birthday cake!

Cora is still the loveliest dog, despite everything she’s been through. She enjoys snuggling with others and is gifted at recognizing when someone requires comfort. Palm chose to train her as a therapy dog as a result of this.
Palm told, “Cora’s personality is so great; she is a lover.” “She is always right next to me, and if she isn’t, she keeps a tight check on me.” If I’m not there, she’ll sit on the next nearest lap and poke your hand unless you’re constantly patting her.

Palm agreed to take Cora to Alaska to see her mother in February 2018. Something incredible happened when they were in the Seattle airport.
Cora was let out of her carrier by Palm to stretch her legs. Cora’s leash was held by Palm until she fell asleep.

Palm decided it was safe to let go of the leash for a minute because Cora didn’t typically leave Palm’s side. However, to to Palm’s surprise, Cora awoke and dashed over to a sad man who sat alone opposite to him.

Palm inquired if Cora was bothering him, but the man nodded. He informed Palm, his tears watering, that he had lost his dog the night before. Cora remained completely still while the man rubbed her ears, allowing him to pet her. Cora had the impression that this man required her help.

“She senses who is in need and who is grieving.” “I’ve never doubted it,” Palm stated. “She continues to amaze me on a regular basis. That thought a dog who had gone seven and a half years without being loved could have so much love to give?”

Cora gave an on-camera interview with her local news station in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, after her story went viral. She had to take a break during the interview to give the cameraperson some love!

Cora is now completing her therapy dog training, and it is evident that she has what it takes to be a fantastic therapy dog! This sweet dog has a lot of love to give.

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Corgi Sees Upset Man In Airport And Goes To Comfort Him
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