Sarah was strolling down the riverbank with her 13-year-old pet Carly, as she usually did, but the lady would remember that morning with horror for the rest of her life: the raging floods just smashed the dog and began to drag it to the bottom. When a stranger rushed to her help, the lady was about to jump after Carly. The man immediately stripped down to his underwear and dove into the freezing water.
Bobby L’ore is the brave man’s name.
Despite the slippery rocks and violent currents, he jumped into the sea and dragged the dog out.
Carly would have drowned if she hadn’t received assistance.
«When he brought Carly, I was trembling all over and crying. I can’t thank him enough for saving my girl.»
It is so good that we have such brave people in our world who will put their life on risk to save people.