Dog Hugs Man Who Risked His Own Life To Save Him From Flood

In certain places of Alabama, there were severe flooding was left behind when strong storms went through. The water was not deep enough to prevent people from running, but it did catch some helpless animals. So when Bill Banks, the head of an animal shelter, got a call about a dog caught in the water, he jumped at the chance to help.

Before accessing the property, Banks had no knowledge of the dog or the flooding. But, like any real animal lover, he was prepared to put his life on the line for a helpless animal. He was in a dangerous situation, but now he’s being hailed as a hero.

Bill Banks, the head of the Dothan Animal Shelter, is no stranger to assisting animals in need. He wasn’t about to stand by and watch a dog suffer when he could do something. Because the dog’s owner was absent during the flood, Banks became the pup’s only hope.

After seeing the dog in a flooded area, someone phoned the shelter for assistance. Because the dog was stuck in a fenced-in area, he was unable to dive to shallow water. The water was around waist-high for humans.

“Without understanding what may be in the waters or the canine’s disposition,” the Dothan Police Department posted on Facebook, “Director Banks stepped through  floods to release the dog and bring it out of the flooded gated area.” “Director Banks’ devotion and compassion for animals speak volumes about him.

To save the dog, Banks waded into the yard and into the fenced-in area. Because he didn’t know the water conditions or the dog’s disposition, he risked his life. Fortunately, images from the rescue reveal that the dog appeared to be excited to be rescued. The dog was seen hanging to Banks as though hugging him in one shot.

Thanks to this wondeful man, the dog was rescued and is safe now.  The owner has subsequently come home and relocated the dog to a new area where a similar incident would not occur again.

Banks does not hold the owners responsible for the incident, but other dog lovers disagree. Many people feel that the dog should be kept indoors and should not be left alone for lengthy periods of time. However, based on just one story, it’s difficult to determine the dog’s entire circumstances. What is mostly important is that he made it through the floods thanks to a true hero!

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Dog Hugs Man Who Risked His Own Life To Save Him From Flood
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