After a year apart, this adorable deaf and blind dog recognizes her grandpa! Her reaction is the best

Hayden Kristal’s father, Steve, was concerned when she welcomed Bitsy home five years ago. He was concerned about how the 5-week-old deaf and blind dog would do in the future and if she would be able to navigate on her own. But as soon as Steve met the hyperactive, happy-go-lucky puppy, his anxieties vanished.

“She’s always been her own woman,” Kristal told The Dodo. “When I took her home, the first thing she did was make a dash for the food dish, burrow into it, and eat until she passed out.” But Bitsy isn’t the weak dog that her grandfather thought. She’s gone trekking, kayaking, riding the metro, and even skating across the nation with her mother.

Kristal described Bitsy as “the kindest, nicest, most affectionate, most devoted dog in the world.” “She’s brash and outspoken, and she’s always up for an adventure!”

Kristal’s father adores his granddog more than he could have expected, and the two spend as much time together as they can.

“He is her best supporter and best buddy,” Kristal stated. “He’ll tell anybody who will listen how wonderful she is and how much he adores her.” He spoils her with sweets and toys like a regular grandpa, and she enjoys just hanging around with him.”

Bitsy and her mother’s lives stalled when COVID limitations were implemented last year. Kristal and Bitsy had a hard time getting used to being away from their families, especially Kristal’s father.

After more than a year, Bitsy was finally reunited with her grandfather for an emotional episode:

Steve was concerned that Bitsy might forget about him after such a long time away. Nothing could be farther from the truth, though. As Steve Kristal commented on Facebook, “As soon as I arrived within scent range, she completely lost her mind with delight.” “I did, too.”

“Once again, Bitsy demonstrated that the qualities she possesses greatly outweigh the ones she lacks,” he continued. “What an incredible and loving soul. Maybe you can see how much we love one another from this clip. ”

Kristal had known all along that a person who cared so much for her beloved dog would never forget her. Now that the family is back together, the world appears to be a bit warmer for everyone.

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After a year apart, this adorable deaf and blind dog recognizes her grandpa! Her reaction is the best
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