For the past twelve years, Bruno had been walking 4 kilometers into town almost every day just to say hello to his neighbors.
Bruno, also known as the Wandering Dog, has been coming to Longville, Minnesota, since he was a puppy.
Larry LaVelle rescued him off the streets 12 years ago after a passer-by mistook him for his dog, and Larry decided to adopt him.
Despite Larry’s best attempts, Bruno would not be content and would rather escape on an adventure.
He had to become used to people phoning him to say they’d found his dog, just to have him tell them the truth.
He’s even become accustomed to Larry telling the people on the other end of the phone to let him go, which has created some perplexity.
Bruno was unlike many other dogs in that he could travel thousands of miles on his own.
The people of Longville eventually became accustomed to seeing Bruno wandering around.
Among his favorite haunts are the ice cream shop, the mayor’s office, the bookshop, and numerous grocery stores and office buildings where he would be welcomed with food.
He was so loved by the people of the city that they gave him the name “town Dog” and built a beautiful statue in his honor.