A Florida officer comes to a halt on a busy highway to check on a dog hit by a car

A police officer in Florida has become famous all over the world after stopping traffic on a major highway to help a dog that had been hit by a car.

On September 19, Pinellas Park Police Officer Joseph Puglia was driving to work on Interstate 275 when he saw a dog that had been hit by a car.

Dashcam footage that the driver got shows that Puglia “swerved over to protect the dog from traffic.”

When the police saw that the dog was “showing signs of life,” he took it to a local vet right away.

“My heart dropped until I knew he was alive,” Puglia told WFTS. I returned to the SUV and got an emergency blanket to wrap over the dog since I didn’t want to damage him any more.

“Following a number of medical exams, it is expected that the dog will recover completely.” The owner has yet to be discovered due to the dog’s absence of a microchip or identifying tag. According to a police department Facebook post, The dog was battered and had a few little wounds.

According to Puglia, the dog was named Fortunate because “he’s certainly one lucky pup,” and he feels the name is suitable.

The dog’s owner could not be determined since it was not microchipped or wearing tags. If you have any details concerning the owner of this animal, please contact Pinellas County Animal Services at 727-582-2600 as soon as possible.

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A Florida officer comes to a halt on a busy highway to check on a dog hit by a car
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