Our regular routines might offer us the greatest delight at times. For Maisy the Golden Retriever and retiree Richard, it means meeting each other on the street every morning.
Maisy’s father, Mas, Tiktokker @mspeelhmb, is posting videos of their endearing routine on Tiktok. “Richard walks from the senior complex around my block, and my dog adores him,” Mas writes. This morning, they’re saying hello to each other. ”
The adorable old dog rises from the grass and starts wagging her tail harder and faster as Richard approaches. She also greets him with a lovely yelp. And Richard, who is wheeling a pram, smiles with delight as he approaches his canine companion.
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Maisy also brings Richard a leaf as a present whenever she meets him.
Picking up the leaf present isn’t just something she does once; it’s something she looks forward to.
In exchange, Richard cuddles and pets Maisy.
People on social media are adoring the pair’s close bond. “These brighten my entire morning,” one viewer said of the films. “How pure!”
Another remarked, “This is very special—the guy is going to live longer and happier because of these moments!” “Please keep updating!”
Other viewers commented on how beneficial their daily pleasantries are for both of them. “I bet she is giving him purpose,” one spectator said. I know that seeing her wakes him up and motivates him to walk. This is stunning. Thank you for your assistance. ”
“Not to mention it’s fantastic for the dog,” another person said. Dogs like routines, and a regular walking human helps them maintain track of their day. ”
It’s a fantastic routine for everyone involved. Maisy’s father simply states, “I adore this dog more than words can express.”