Céline Dion, the beloved Canadian singer, recently shared some heartbreaking news with her fans through a candid social media video. The 54-year-old revealed that she has been diagnosed with a rare and incurable neurological disorder called Stiff Person Syndrome. This condition has severely impacted her daily life and her ability to sing.
“I’m deeply saddened to announce that I won’t be able to restart my European tour in February,” Dion said.
She explained that Stiff Person Syndrome affects about one in a million people and causes severe muscle rigidity, chronic pain, anxiety, and intense spasms that can dislocate joints or break bones. Dion described how these symptoms have made it difficult for her to walk and use her vocal cords.
Despite these challenges, Dion remains hopeful and determined. “All I know is singing,” she said, highlighting her lifelong passion for music. She is working closely with doctors and a sports medicine therapist to regain her strength and return to performing.
Dion expressed deep gratitude for the support from her three sons and her fans. She acknowledged that she needs to focus on her health and recovery, even though she misses performing dearly.
In her heartfelt message, Dion urged her fans to take care of themselves and expressed her love for them. With the support of her loved ones and fans, she remains committed to overcoming this difficult time and hopes to return to the stage stronger than ever.
Here is the video: