Only People With High IQ Can Solve This Correctly… Can You?

Here’s a fun puzzle to test your wits! Can you solve it in under 20 seconds? It’s all about looking at it the right way. Let’s break it down step by step:

### Step 1: The Shoes
Shoes + Shoes + Shoes = 30
If 3 pairs of shoes equal 30, each pair must be:
**Shoes = 10**

### Step 2: Adding the Boy
Boy + Boy + Shoes = 20
With Shoes = 10:
2 x Boy + 10 = 20
**Boy = 5**

### Step 3: Introducing Burgers
Burgers + Burgers + Boy = 13
With Boy = 5:
2 x Burgers + 5 = 13
**Burger = 2**

### Step 4: Solving the Final Puzzle
The equation is:
Shoe/2 + (Boy + 2 x Burger + Shoe) x Burger = ?

Substitute the values:
10/2 + (5 + 2 x 2 + 10) x 2 = ?
5 + (5 + 4 + 10) x 2 = ?
5 + 19 x 2 = 43

### Final Answer: **43**
Not so tricky when you break it down! Challenge a friend and see if they can crack it too!

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Only People With High IQ Can Solve This Correctly… Can You?
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