Man Refuses to Leave his 400 animals in Kyiv Shelter

Despite Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a man in Kyiv has been called a “hero” for choosing to stay with the 400 animals at his shelter.

Andrea Cisternino, a former photographer turned animal rescue owner from Rome, claimed he’d sooner die’ than abandon the animals at the shelter, which include dogs, cats, sheep, and goats.

Russia has been involved in an irruption in Ukraine since the early hours of Thursday, which has resulted in the deaths of 140 people, hundreds of injuries, and more than a million people being displaced. It’s a battle that has wreaked havoc on the environment, affecting not just humans but also animals.

“Here the is curfew from 10pm to 7pm, everything is switched off, cowering in the dark, houses with few lights, dark here, more explosions a short while ago, let’s pray for a calm night,” he said in one post from the first night of the invasion.

He also included a photo of himself and one of the pigs who live at his shelter.

Andrea Cisternino is the inventor of the pet sanctum, who stunned the world by staying by their side to protect them.

“Now I have to think about rescuing a sanctuary and its more than 400 animals who ought to be protected at all costs, and that’s exactly what I’ll do.” “I’d rather die than leave my friends to suffer alone,” the deliverer responded. ”

He also posted on his social media accounts. “Two military planes and a war helicopter went over the sanctuary 10 twinkles ago,” Oksana added, adding that one of the jets attacked. Another attack was carried out at 5 a.m. 30 kilometers away in a field.

Andrea is so attached to defending the animals that he cannot imagine abandoning them, despite the tremendous risk of staying in the region.

The deliverer ensures that his first priority is to protect his sanctum’s creatures.

Andrea, an Italian national and former fashion photographer, traveled to Ukraine with his wife Vlada Shalutko a decade ago to battle the stalking of sloppy dogs. They opened a sanctum in Kiev together, where they’ve taken in hundreds of animals that would have died otherwise.

The sanctuary now has 20 thousand square meters of installations divided into colorful spaces for pets and pussycats, grazing cows and nags, stink pounds, storages, kitchens, activities, and ultimately a veterinary clinic.

Andrea now confronts yet another tremendous challenge with his creatures, but nothing, not even the shells he has seen flying over the sanctuary, can stop him.

The deliverer has stocked up on food and energy as a stopgap, hoping that the fighting would finish while he is secure with the rescued animals.

Thousands of people have expressed their appreciation and support for this brave and religious deliverer who is prepared to sacrifice his life for the animals.

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Man Refuses to Leave his 400 animals in Kyiv Shelter
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