Poor Fox Was Stuck In A Slurry Tank Overnight

After dropping into a sewage plant slurry pit in Atherstone, Warwickshire, and remained stranded there all night, a  fox was rescued by the RSPCA and firefighters.

On Tuesday morning, the RSPCA was called to the Severn Trent facility on the Carlyon Industrial Estate when a worker noticed the young fox attempting to exit the foul-smelling pit.

Despite the strong gases associated with slurry, the fox remained alert and conscious.

‘Who knows how this fox got herself into this situation, possibly she fell and had an accidental tumble,’ said RSPCA inspector Nicola Johnson, who attended the incident.

‘However, she was absolutely trapped when I found her, and there was no way she could have gotten out without assistance.’ Ms Johnson said she immediately realized she’d need the support of the fire department to save the fox.

‘Who knows how this fox got herself into this predicament, possibly she tripped and had an inadvertent tumble,’ said RSPCA inspector Nicola Johnson, who attended the incident.

When firefighters got on the scene, they grabbed the creature with a long pole and a net. They then rescued her, wrapped her in a blanket and transporting her to a local wildlife center.

‘Atherstone Fire Station’s Alpha Watch team did an outstanding job. ‘Using an extra long pole and a net, they were able to lift her out and bring her to safety,’ Ms Johnson added. ‘She was fatigued and shivering, and she may have remained there all night,’ says the narrator.


The fox was bathed and examined at Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre. Despite being plainly traumatized by the experience, she was luckily healthy, according to the Tamworth Herald. She was eventually returned to the wild.

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Poor Fox Was Stuck In A Slurry Tank Overnight
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