Charlie the dog decided to take part in the High School’s graduation ceremony and definitely stole the show

Charlie, the dog, decided he didn’t need to be part of Horseshoe Bend High School’s graduation ceremony and ended up making the one Valdectorian “speech” that would be remembered for a long time.

During the Valedectorian speeches at the Alabama high school, the unwelcome canine visitor went past the fence and onto the field to participate in the celebration. He walked over to a fern shrub that was on exhibit. When the students and audience realized what was about to happen, they broke out laughing. Charlie would raise his leg to mark his territory and leave a mark that would last.

Charlie turns out to be the son of one of the graduating classmates, Logan Branch, who lives nearby. Everyone knows Charlie is Branch’s dog, but no one expected him to show up at the wedding. They were not anticipating the dog’s imprint on the fern.

“We all knew what was going to happen as soon as we saw him go to the plant, so we couldn’t help but chuckle,” Branch said of his dog’s antics.

Charlie seemed to be soaking up all the limelight after such a raucous greeting. He wags his tail as the audience laughs and applauds, content to be the center of attention.

Branch said, “He probably got the most applause of the night,” and added, “Charlie really liked it.”

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Charlie the dog decided to take part in the High School’s graduation ceremony and definitely stole the show
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