This iconic star, born in London on May 23, 1933, grew up during World War II. As the eldest child of Elsa, a former nightclub hostess, and Joseph, a talent agent, she experienced the chaos of war at a young age.
Her family, which included two younger siblings, often took refuge in London’s Tube stations to escape German bombings. In May 2020, she recalled these challenging times, noting how the constant evacuations disrupted her education.
Despite these difficulties, the presence of her mother provided some comfort. She fondly remembered the sense of community in the underground shelters, where people played accordions and sang together.
This girl, who later became the legendary English actress Joan Collins, rose to fame despite her turbulent childhood. She defied her father’s doubts about her career, becoming a household name with her role in the 1981 drama series “Dynasty.”
While her career thrived, her love life was more complex. After a broken engagement with actor Warren Beatty, Collins married five times.
Since 2002, she has been happily married to actor Percy Gibson, who is 32 years her junior. Now 90, Joan Collins continues to enjoy life with her husband, proving that age is just a number in love and life.