80-Year-Old Tortoise Becomes A First-Time Mom, Laying A Surprising 9 Eggs

Nigrita is an 80-year-old Galapagos tortoise who resides in Switzerland’s Zoo Zürich. She is also making a major difference in the conservation of her endangered species.

Nigrita just started laying eggs last year. Most species don’t survive to reach 80, let alone give birth at that age, however it’s quite typical for her species!

In fact, these tortoises don’t start breeding until they’re nearly 40 years old. Galapagos tortoises are among the world’s longest-living creatures. Nigrita is a top tortoise by tortoise standards.

There aren’t many Galapagos tortoises remaining, despite the fact that they may live to be over 150 years old. Greedy people and greedy animals have put the species on the verge of extinction.

Nigrita is presently a part of the zoo’s breeding program, which adds to the rarity of her nine hatchlings. Tortoises like Nigrita are responsible for the species’ survival.

See this proud mom turtle’s new babies in the gallery below, and let us know what you think of these cute animals in the comments!

Nigrita, an 80-year-old Galapagos tortoise from the Galapagos Islands, is housed in the Zoo Zürich in Switzerland.

Last year, she also became a first-time mother.

Although starting a family at the age of 80 may seem unusual for humans, it is quite common for tortoise of this species.

Galapagos tortoises have been known to live to be far over 100 years old!

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80-Year-Old Tortoise Becomes A First-Time Mom, Laying A Surprising 9 Eggs
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