After Being Rescued by a Woman, a Baby Elephant Follows her Everywhere

This elephant became trapped while crossing the river and couldn’t get out by herself.  Fortunately, Moyo was saved by rangers at the worst possible time, when she was surrounded by hyenas. Roxy Danckwerts runs the “Wild Is Life” refuge, which is where Moyo was sent following his rescue.

This adorable elephant has been with her new mother for a year and two months and is always following her.

Moyo recognizes Roxy’s scent and voice, according to Roxy, and always finds her that way. It’s difficult to live with Moyo when she’s growing up , as her incidents around the house are very common.

Despite the fact that Danckwerts has befriended Moyo and formed an incredible relationship with her, he wants to return her into her world since it is in her best interests.

Moyo was already alone when the hyenas around her appeared since her group had abandoned her.

Moyo ended up at a shelter with her new mum Roxy thanks to quick response from rangers.

Even though she is considerably older, it is evident that she does not understand.

She also has a power that she is completely unaware of.

She often makes a mess in the house because she wants to see and touch everything. Nothing will be able to stop her from reaching Danckwerts.

Have fun with the video!

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After Being Rescued by a Woman, a Baby Elephant Follows her Everywhere
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