Gentle Male Orangutan Bottle Feeds and Cuddles Three Baby Tigers like They were His Own

They’d be sworn enemies in the wild. An orangutan and three tigers have become best friends at a nature park in South Carolina.

After seeing his human caretakers milk the three newborn cats, a male orangutan at the Myrtle Beach Safari has developed a like to three tiger cubs.

The Discovery Family recently paid a visit to the sanctuary, and captured some wonderful footage of the ape bottle-feeding, snuggling, and patting the three tiny cubs as if he were their mother.

The preserve commented on the unusual relationship, saying, “Orangutans spend a lot of time with their human carers, sometimes when they are nursing tiger kittens.”


‘Orangutans frequently express genuine interest in the cubs and want to assist with feeding and caressing. They show that they are quite capable in both areas.’

And this isn’t the first time an orangutan has become friends with someone who isn’t from its own species.

At an Indonesian zoo in 2007, a pair of newborn Sumatran tigers and two baby orangutans got along like gangbusters.
Watch this amazin video which will definitely make your day!

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Gentle Male Orangutan Bottle Feeds and Cuddles Three Baby Tigers like They were His Own
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