Photographer Was Taking Photos When Cheetah Approached Him

This is Sasan Amir and he is a 27 years old photographer and a filmmaker who now resides in Germany. He travels to the African savannah  regularly in order to capture beautiful images and videos of the species that inhabit there.

Predators are often given a leading place in his portfolio. He just experienced a situation that was out of the ordinary.

Sasan Amir / Courtesy of Caters News

He had taken up position in a “ambush” and was keeping an eye on the savannah in search of opportunities for effective shots. He was surprised when he saw that a wild cheetah was rushing at him. After being frightened, Sasan began to rise slowly, demonstrating to the beast that he was aware of the beast’s approach and was prepared to defend himself.

Sasan Amir / Courtesy of Caters News

A short delay allowed the predator to evaluate its options before moving forward with its hunt. And he began to make his way towards Sasan once more. Afterwards, he smelled the photographer, rubbed his head on him, and sat down next to him, seemingly wanting to cuddle with him.
“It was as though he needed to express himself. “He even started purring like a cat,” Sasan explains what he saw and experienced.

To understand what an unbelievable story had just unfolded in front of him took a few  minutes. With the opportunity to interact with a wild beast at arm’s length, he was lucky and honored!

Sasan Amir / Courtesy of Caters News

At that time,  the cheetah was completely comfortable and did not display any signs of aggression. He even licked Sasan numerous times, as if they had been friends for a long time. Fortunately, the cameras were near by, and he was able to get some very remarkable images of an interaction with a wild animal during the shoot. A rare chance to just be close  with wildlife  itself, and he was lucky to be able to do so without risking his life.

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