A Stray Cat Made a Wise Decision In Saving Her Three Kittens Who Were In Severe Need of Care… Here Is Their Story

Every mother’s instinct, whether human or animal, is to defend her babies, and what this cat did in New South Wales, Australia, is a perfect example of what a mother can do to protect her babies.

A cat family, consisting of a mother and her three kittens, was spotted on the side of the road by a passerby. He phoned CatRescue 901, a Terrey Hills-based rescue group, right away. The cat greeted the rescuers and brought them to her three babies when they arrived. She was bare-knuckled and had obviously done all she could to feed and protect her pets.

Elodie was a cat mother who tried her best to feed and protect her kittens, but she was clearly suffering.

The four cats need medical treatment, and it was evident when they arrived at the shelter that they were starving. The three kittens suffered eyelid agenesis, a congenital condition that left them with no eyelids and would have ended in blindness if they hadn’t gotten proper treatment.

They were fed, washed, and placed in comfortable beds. Elodie, the feline mother, received medicine as well and was doing much better after being spayed.

Jenny, the rescue group’s founder, said that they were at the right place at the right time. “Because eye agenesis surgery is so expensive,” she added, “not many people could afford it.”

They still have a long way to go on their road to recovery, but their mother, Elodie, is certain that they are in excellent hands.

She approached her heroes and guided them to where her kittens were hiding when a stranger contacted CatRescue 901. They seemed kind and unthreatening.

However, after closer examination, it was revealed that they need emergency medical attention.

They were all suffering from ocular agenesis, a condition that might lead to blindness if not treated quickly.

They were bathed, fed, and given adequate rest after they arrived at the shelter.

They were fortunate enough to be at the right place at the right time.

Few rescue groups are prepared to cope with eyelid agenesis. The road to recovery is still long, but they are now secure and cared after by a skilled team of compassionate people.

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A Stray Cat Made a Wise Decision In Saving Her Three Kittens Who Were In Severe Need of Care… Here Is Their Story
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