A cat mysteriously vanished and was discovered only five years later! Tap the link to find out more

Zeke the cat went missing from his home 5 years ago, but he has returned thanks to his microchip.

Zeke’s actions during the next five years remain unclear, as does how he got from his London home to the streets of Stevenage.

“Zeke spent most of his time in the home, but he is a very loving cat and would go out to see some other people and play with their pets if they would let him,” relieved owner David Blane explained. Zeke was well-known in the community.

“But then we got two additional cats, and both of them were extremely territorial,” the owner explains. We didn’t know how big of an effect they had on Zeke at the time, but he was b.u.l.l.ied.

“He was spending so much time outside until he mysteriously disappeared.” “Zeke vanished after several weeks of getting him back from people’s residences and even a local hospital where he was being fed.” Regardless of the fact that he was fairly unusual and well-known in the community, no confirmed encounters had occurred, therefore we concluded Zeke had been st.o.l.e.n.”

David tried all he could to find Zeke, who was two and a half years old at the time of his loss, including leafleting the area and urging hospital employees to keep an eye out for him. He also notified Zeke’s missing to the pet tracking site PetLog and publicized the news on social media.

David had lost all hope of ever seeing his lovely pet again, but Zeke’s fortunes would alter five years later when he was discovered as a stray in Stevenage.

Zeke had a microchip, but when doctors couldn’t find the registered owner, they gave him to the North Hertfordshire Branch of Cats Protection.

“When he arrived, he was untidy and his coat was quite dirty,” Branch Coordinator Bianca Kubler explained, “but he was a robust 9 kg youngster with an insatiable appetite and, despite getting five teeth extracted and a nice bath, he was in great shape.”

While Zeke was being looked after by volunteer fosterer Shelagh, the essential dental procedures and vaccinations were planned, but he remained depressed and unwilling to participate.

“I felt terrible for Zeke since he seemed miserable,” Bianca observed. He ate and peed regularly, but he refused to play or mingle much. We needed to find Zeke’s owner if we were going to revive his excitement.

Bianca was so desperate to find Zeke’s owner that she broadened her search to include breeder and missing Maine Coon cat websites, as well as his microchip data. “By the end of a long weekend of relentless searching, we were quickly losing faith,” she said, “but my boyfriend decided to dial the number on the microchip one final time.” To our surprise, a man responded.

“When we asked whether he had lost a cat, he said, obviously puzzled, that his cat had disappeared five years earlier.” When we informed him we’d found his cat, Zeke, he was absolutely surprised. ”

“I had lost hope of ever seeing him,” David explained. You don’t expect that your lost cat has been found safe and sound five years later, especially considering the potential that he was st.o.l.e.n. It was great to hear that Zeke was doing well. ”

David hastened to pick up Zeke from his foster caretakers and transport him back to North London as soon as he could. “It was really incredible to see him again,” he said. That sensation is amazing. I was nervous about taking him home on the train since he used to be rather loud and uncomfortable in his cat carrier, but it looks like time has calmed him. ”

“Seeing Zeke when David arrived to take him up was fantastic,” Bianca continued. He came to a standstill and gazed at him for a few minutes, and then it was as if a light went out. When Zeke recognized Dave, his body language changed. It was inspiring to see.

“Dave was quite pleased that we continued to look for him.” He insisted on paying Zeke’s medical bills and made a large payment on the spot. It was a nice gesture and a heartfelt acknowledgement of our efforts.

“We’ll never know how Zeke traveled from North London to Stevenage, but what matters is that he’s back home thanks to a microchip and a little determination.”

Zeke, unsurprisingly, required some time to acclimatize to his new surroundings as the sole cat. “At first, he was a little uncomfortable, so I placed him in the bedroom where I work to keep him company,” David added. I now try to get him to go for short walks around the house, and he is slowly getting more used to new things.

“He accompanies me everywhere and seems to recognize me.” It feels fantastic to have my sweetie back. He’s a lot more loving than I remember him being, which is a pleasant surprise. He used to be cold, but he now comes over for hugs and plays a lot more. He’s found a few warm spots to call his own, and he looks relieved to be home after such a long time. ”

David feels grateful to all who assisted him in reconciling with Zeke. “I’d want to thank John and all the volunteers at Cats Protection’s North Herts Branch,” he added. They do an excellent job, and reconnecting me with my baby (now massive) kid has made a significant impact on my life. It’s the best Christmas present I’ve ever gotten. “

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A cat mysteriously vanished and was discovered only five years later! Tap the link to find out more
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