When a guy discovered this foal, he was in his last days! Look at how he’s changed

Animals in the world end up in a number of unpleasant conditions throughout life, which may lead to major health disorders. This is true for a large number of rejected animals. If you have chosen to care for an animal, you cannot just leave him somewhere with an undetermined future since it is your moral obligation to do so; otherwise, never be an animal owner if you are unable to do so.

However, it is worth noting that, in addition to these mean and irresponsible owners, there are many others who give hope to the animals and have made many changes for the better.

This is a great example of how one individual can take action and save lives! After witnessing a horse and her foal being kept up in their stable and never allowed out, a neighbor became worried for their health. The two horses escaped one day, and a neighbor photographed the young horse and brought it to RVR Horse Rescue in Riverview, Florida.

The snapshot made it clear that Timmy, the newborn horse, was in serious peril. He couldn’t even walk! It was impossible to tell whether Timmy would live or pass away. I’m sad he had to go through such a ho.r.r.ible time as a tiny foal, but on the other hand, I’m delighted this tale had a nice conclusion.

He not only survived, but his life took a dramatic turn for the better. Take a look at the movie below to follow his journey and realize how crucial it is to take the correct action at the appropriate time. This can teach us all a thing or two.

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When a guy discovered this foal, he was in his last days! Look at how he’s changed
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