Camera Captures a Rare Pink Dolphin Calf

Dolphins are commonly considered as being an all-around cool animal. They’re not ferocious and wouldn’t injure you if you went too close (but, obviously, we would not recommend it).

Dolphins can also do some very amazing tricks! They may jump out of the water and turn around in a spectacular manner.

They’re also quite adorable animals who make a pretty amusing noise. But do you know what’s even better than a typical dolphin?

A dolphin that is pink. And, honestly, if my ten-year-old girl-girl, pink-obsessed, dolphin-loving self had seen this, she would have gone insane (even as an adult, I have trouble holding my cool)!
The Calcasieu River in Louisiana is home to a pink-colored dolphin.

The rosy-colored dolphin was produced by a unique genetic mutation.
If Pinky’s calf is pink as well, there’s a chance we’ll see more pink dolphins in the future!

Check out this video of Pinky and her pink calf!

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Camera Captures a Rare Pink Dolphin Calf
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