A lost penguin was adopted by a herd of horses

Nature never fails to amaze us when it comes to strange friendships between various animal species. This time, a herd of horses appeared to be having some nice relations with a lost penguin.

The penguin fell out of the flock and found itself alone on the chilly Falkland Islands. Only these horses agreed to help the bird, according to the Daily Mail, in a heartwarming video that shows the most unlikely of relationships.

The events were captured by Sarah Crofts, a professional wildlife photographer and member of the Falklands Conservation group. The lovely images were captured at the Cape Pembrokeshire Nature Reserve. And there is nothing more moving than when the horses come together.

“At first, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, and I’m sure the horses were as astonished as I was.” I didn’t expect the horses to be interested in the penguin, but they were. “I’m a major admirer of horses and penguins, so it was a happy moment to behold,” Sarah Crofts said.

“Initially, the penguins approached him with caution, their heads lowered, letting them investigate him up close.

But the horses weren’t scared of much, and they were soon snout to beak, which was a fantastic experience, “she concluded.

The horses got the feeling that the penguin was scared and alone. As a consequence, they’ve done all possible to ensure his safety and comfort.

Even if it appears to be a game at first, the horses are completely focused on the bird, just as parents are with their children.

“The horses were actually interested in the penguin, and it appeared that inspecting him one by one before running had turned into a game for them.”

“After a time, it appeared like the horses didn’t need to let the penguins out of their sight,” Sarah said.

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A lost penguin was adopted by a herd of horses
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