When rescuers discovered the 60-year-old elephant, she was in terrible shape!

Let’s imagine you are being made to pass a major roadway blindfolded at g.u.n.po.int! Lakhi, a female elephant, has had to put a halt to this  e.n.d ure her entire life. She had been e.n.s.l.aved and bound her entire life and was on the point of d.y.i.ng when people came and set her free.

Lakhi was blindfolded by cru.el owners and handlers and then made to be.g at several temples and small towns to make income for the masters.

Lakhi has been employed as a “beggar and performing elephant,” a condition caused by her handlers’ incessant a.bu.se. If she was not properly trained, her blindness put her at a serious and continual risk of car crashes.

She had been mi.s.t.reated, t.o.r.t.ured, and wh.i.p.p.ed for most of her life, and she had scars and wounds on her breast, forehead, back, and ears. The tor.ture she had experienced was obvious in the form of a painful swelling in the left temporal area.

But fortunately, after years of suffering, she has been rescued. She was carefully helped to go aboard a specific ten-wheeler vehicle leased for this purpose and began the last journey to her new home.

Sadly, Lakhi became b.lind by her c.ruel masters.

The Wildlife SOS team will invite eye experts from the United Kingdom to investigate the possibility of eyesight regeneration in at least one eye. This will greatly improve her situation.

Her look indicates that her food was insufficiently nutritious.

It’s unlikely she’s ever tried elephant food.

Her feet and nails were seriously harmed by years of walking on the pavement.

Lakhi had suffered from terrible, painful trau.ma for which she had never gotten adequate medical treatment. The spiked ch.ain wrapped around her legs added to her anguish and pain.

She was provided with packages of fresh fruit and liters of water to help her stay hydrated during the 1400km trek.

She has arrived at the SOS Wildlife Care and Conservation Center in Mathura, where she will enjoy a respectable and peaceful life.

Lakhi is an expert at stretching!

The crew decided to take a break on the way to Lakhi’s new location and let her out of the vehicle for a stroll and some relaxation!

Lakhi had gained weight by the time she returned home.

Lakhi was measured by the Wildlife SOS team at the Elephant Care and Conservation Center to assess her condition and build a proper diet for her.

Lakhi smiles at Mathura’s Elephant Care and Conservation Center.

After adjusting to her new home, Lakhi was glowing in the sun!

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When rescuers discovered the 60-year-old elephant, she was in terrible shape!
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