Loki started off as a stray, but after 3 years of finding Nathan, the two became fast friends.
Loki is an indoor/outdoor cat that likes exploring the neighborhood and adjacent areas.
One day on his way home from work , Nathan spotted his best friend’s lif.el.ess body on the side of the road.
He recognized Loki by the marks; he seemed to have been struck by a vehicle. Nathan and his girlfriend buried Loki’s bones in a corner of their property.
“I couldn’t believe,” Nathan said. I was in tears because I couldn’t believe my cat had perished. ”
Loki returned the following morning, as though on his way home after a walk.
Nathan was shocked when he saw Loki; he was still alive and well.
Loki had somehow been resurrected from the d.e.a.d, and no one could deny that this was a remarkable turn of events.
Nathan then realized he must have buried someone else’s cat, so he informed the other cat’s folks.
A young boy now is hesitant to let Loki go because he does not want to go through this pain again.