Three em.aci.ated horses undergo an incredible transformation after being rescued

They got an anonymous letter one day that said, “I believe you should know what’s going on with some horses over the river.” And they made the choice to go pick them up right now. One of the horses, Rosie, was just unhappy and had poor spirit. They were all exhausted, but they took all 3 of them home: Rosie, her daughter, and another horse.

Even when they returned to the property, all 3 of them were nervous. The horses either had to battle for their food or didn’t receive any. This should be a ho.r.rible thought: “I wonder whether I’m going to eat anything today.” And this was very likely their daily thought.

They had their first drinks of clean water and bits of fresh hay when they got to the farm. And they could start eating without having to share or fi.ght for it.

When the veterinarian examined them, she discovered that the horses had been badly emaciated for a long time. We could all see every rib on their body. They were particularly concerned about Rosie since she was thin and had bad skin.

The horses had to be quarantined for roughly a month before being released into their own field. Those compassionate folks did all they could to make this event as enjoyable as possible for the three of them.

They were eventually allowed to go out on a field, eat fresh grass, run, and just live a happy life after one month and a day. They all gained some weight and grew happy and healthier thanks to the fantastic and compassionate individuals who rescued them. It’s humbling to see their development.

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Three em.aci.ated horses undergo an incredible transformation after being rescued
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