Adorable Pictures of Four-month-old Bear Kissing His Mother

In a breathtaking set of photos, a four-month-old grizzly cub is captured on camera showering its mother with kisses.

Even though the fully-grown bear does not appear to be all that keen on clenching up, the sweetie can be seen pursuing its mother throughout Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, hoping to get a few smooches.

A tussle transforms into a little of joyful rough play until the two fall to the finest sort of heart-melting parental tenderness.

Junior even finds time to try climbing on a wooden pylon as they walk together among the Grand Teton’s huge fauna.

It swivels its neck to give the wildlife snapper the perfect shot, clearly a natural with the camera.

The images were captured by photographer Troy Harrison, 47, from Nashville in Tennesse at the national park synonymous with grizzly bears.

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Adorable Pictures of Four-month-old Bear Kissing His Mother
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