A Photographer Captured A White Lion In All Its Magnificence

The lion is one of the most represented and admired creatures in major cinema productions, particularly fantasy and animation films. Few other creatures have the evocative and captivating power of this large feline, which inspires fear and respect while also symbolizing numerous traits as as courage and strength.

Because of this cultural background, when British photographer Simon Needham caught the eye of the lion Moya at the Glen Garriff Conservation Sanctuary, he was absolutely fascinated, devoting his energy to capturing its magnificence. The resulting photographs, which have become famous across the world, are a one-of-a-kind sight that appeals to people of all ages.

image credit: Simon Needham

The Moya lion is unique in that it is totally white, owing to an extremely unusual genetic abnormality that gives it a dreamy look.

image credit: Simon Needham

Simon Needham claimed that immortalizing oneself was difficult: he had to wait till he approached and then make enchanting poses.

image credit: Simon Needham

The beautiful Moya is a six-year-old male that resides in the Glen Garriff Conservation’s Big Cat Sanctuary in South Africa.

image credit: Simon Needham

“I adore all animals,” the lucky and talented photographer said, “but Moya’s gorgeous fur particularly captured me at first sight.”

image credit: Simon Needham

Moya became a little fame as a result of these magnificent photographs, with many people all around the world captivated by her fantastic  fur.

Best wishes to the photographer… and to Mother Nature’s creative mind!

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