The owners of a foster cat were thinking that she was sick but then it turned out that…

We all adore cats, but can anybody honestly claim to be familiar with every variety and breed? I don’t believe so.

There is such a thing as a werewolf cat. Did you know?

A video of a kitten from one of their foster cats was just shared on the social media account “Graciewolfcat.” Because she had bald areas and unusual hair patterns, the small cat stood out among her brothers and sisters.

The lovely kitty, it turns out, was born with a rare natural mutation. Lykoi, or Wolfcats, are cats who have this mutation.

Bree, the foster owner, stated, “I opted to foster two pregnant cats found at a colony location together.” “They had their babies six days apart and one week apart.”

“The two mothers came together and began raising all 12 children as one huge family. They looked after one another’s children like they were their own.”

“I saw one was looking thin and losing hair, so I rushed her to the vet right away,” she added. “I was informed she could have had a fever coat earlier, but she was well and healthy.”

“We were worried about her health, but she made minor gains and her hair began to regrow soon after.”

As she grew older, “I couldn’t get over how strange she appeared and how different she was from her brothers and parents,” Bree recalled. She went on to say a few additional things about herself.

“I work as a professional photographer full-time! I perform both weddings and births! “she stated

Gracie’s birth was also photographed by me! I have a wonderful spouse who adores Gracie and the other pets, and I love living in central Maine! ”

“I saw a cat that looked similar but didn’t give it much thought. I tried to Google several sorts of cats with black and white pepper hair and bald faces as she matured, and ultimately discovered she was a wolfcat, or more aptly titled, a Lykoi.

According to my study, a wolfcat, also known as a Lykoi, is an ordinary domestic cat that is descended from a natural genetic mutation among feral cat colonies, which is where her ancestors originated. She only has one coat of fur and molts every 6 months or so.”Bree said.

“Like a wolf’s pelt, her fur may be rubbed forth and backward. She has delicate skin and will need to pay special attention to the accumulation of grease and oil around her cheeks and feet. ”

“My greatest memory of Gracie is when she was a tiny bald baby and I used to enjoy kissing her and breathing her in; she has a scent that makes me want to kiss her.”

“I still catch a whiff of her old newborn perfume now and then, which I like. It’s probably one of those strange motherly things, lol. I enjoy kissing her, but she always pulls my face away, despite my admiration for her large, lovely eyes!”

“She looks like a werewolf but is just like any other house cat. After doing some investigation, I discovered she only had one coat of hair and shed frequently throughout her life, “Bree explains.

“I discovered that she was a spontaneous genetic mutation from the wild colony where her mother lived.” Her story was recently published in videos on TikTok, and she has since gone viral. ”

“She currently has 42k followers, which is really impressive! We also discovered that wolfcats are worth roughly $3,000, so obtaining a valuable cat for free is also really amazing!”

What’s up with Gracie these days? “She’s doing great and is in excellent health! She enjoys napping and playing! “Bree adds.

“Her laser pointer is her favorite toy, whether she’s following the red dot or just playing with it.” Gracie is now driving herself to her grandmother’s place! ”

“She rides in a bubble pack that her grandmother gave her! Gracie’s bubble backpack serves as her playhouse while she’s not out adventuring. ”

“She isn’t really chatty. When I’m seated, she likes to come up to my feet and stroke them, nearly hugging them. ”

“Gracie does not stay with me; she prefers to sleep on the couch. She enjoys chasing her tail and sitting in the window. Gracie enjoys scratching on her scratching boards and napping.”

Bree also has other pets. “I have one of her moms, who I don’t believe is her biological mother.”

“I believe her biological mother was the black woman who, sadly, became ill and died a few months ago.” I also have a 14-year-old little dachshund, and they get along swimmingly!”

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